Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm back!... I hope

0xbritzx0 here
(I can't find my Blog image, everythings a wreck here D: )

Sorry I was away, personal stuff...
I was meant to post a week or so ago, but then somthing really bad happened so yeah.
Everythings good now though (:
I WILL post somthing now :P I just need t think of somthing to post about....

Thanks for reading.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Glow is Back ;)

Hey guy since stardoll had this makeover we did not see the superstar glow anymore...
And now the glow is Back =)

Stardoll is fixing some problems
And i really hope to try to fix others too =D

Monday, August 23, 2010

Hey guys sorry for Non posting for a while.... its just there is no new news on stardoll so much And i have no idea of what i can post ....

And for amber :
I am really am sorry for non posting.....I am proud to be a writer to ur blog and i will try to find something that i post it ever day =)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Starting to Fire Writers.

This is just.. getting too much -_- I have to fire some writers. Not like they'll see this anyway.
I am on a public computer so I dont have my banner

Saturday, August 7, 2010

JCP Teen.

Since nobody bothered to post this, I figured I would. :| It's not so new anymore..but I just HAD to share it!
I've always went to JC penny for back to school.. but I don't get cool clothes shown here! [I wear a crummy uniform.. ;/]

How to edit your privacy on your guestbook and blog.

Since the makeover, probably a lot of people are wondering how to change the privacy of their guestbook/blog. Well, I'm here to show ya!
First: Go to 'My account'

Then: Settings

And Finally, If you scroll down you should see it (:

New Sunny Bunny!

I know this isn't exactly NEW NEW but it's still NEW.ROFL. I love this store! The hats are off the hizzle and the contacts are so cool too. I wish I had money to get them! What do you think?

Friday, August 6, 2010


I'm back. :/ I'm trying to figure out what to do with my account and I realized that I'm too addicted to leave D; Sorry guys! But I'll be posting more soon!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Callie.Stardoll is Covergirl!

Well lookey here, Miss Callie made herself CG. Yesterday her voting thing wasn't on and today is magically appeared. I feel sorry for all those members who wasted their money to run and then miss ugly comes and steals the spotlight from them. Isn't that awful?

What do you think? comment.