Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Play & Earn Glitch

Well, as of around 11-12 on May 31, 2010. Stardoll was having problems with their play & earn. You could do play & earn over and over again. As much as you wanted. And then you could spend ALL the money you had earned without having to use any of your real stardollars.
I myself thought this glitch was awesome, I bought a ton!(: I got tired of getting more money over and over so I went to bed. Haha. But, it was fun to be able to get money and spend it. I had a blast buying things. I have more to wear now, and the perfect dress for my Birthday Wednesday!(: Haha. It was like a birthday present for me and all of stardoll.(:

xx Taylor

P.S. Sorry if you missed the glitch, you should have been on! :P

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