Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Easy Much?

I'm back! With a new Image too :]
I havn't found much to report on since I've been away, but I saw this Graphic and how easy it is to do, I will show you how to make one too!

You will see the right arm is holding a bag on every Catwalk winner right? Well Stardoll has a base like this...

That they use on every winner to give them a Graphic look, all you need to do is put that on a normal Me-Doll, change the colours a bit and....

VIOLA! An easy Graphic.
Now anyone can strut the catwalk with the Arm anytime :P
Personally, i think the arm could do with some work, but It's alright anyway :]

NOTE: I don't usually do my Graphics like this, I just thought that it would look cool like that :P

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