Friday, January 29, 2010

My new banner!

This is my new banner folks! LOL yeah i have like 50 in my computer lol!! Especially my new one i just got lol! Well just to let tay know i still have the wonderful banners still in my computer ;) Oh and yeah visitors we know ur there i got a flag counter so that shows me people from all over the world who have been peeking at our blog! We also need more writers please if you or anybody you know want to be one contact me and ill hook u up with an interview. My user is AmberFun344, in case u forgot. Plus i am replacing the Chatbox. Sorry but there are unknown people coming on here and i wanna make sure we are safe! Oh yeah V's day is coming up the lucky 14! Well its not all about having a BF or GF its about being around people you love and care about... AND A FUN VALENTINES DAY PARTAYYY AT SCHOOL OR A V's DAY DANCE! If your lucky :( Also any music suggestions? (YAWNS) im sick and tired of listening to lady gaga. RARA RAMA RAMA LALAO- OK! WE GET IT! Don't get me wrong i still like her songs just not her like weird words in them lol. I also have another idea, creating a facebook for the blog! How cool would that be?! Like quadruple cool thats how cool it would be!


Anonymous said...

Haha, Umh you could do songs tht are on the Radio, like I can Transform Ya by Chris Brown. Sexy Chic. Umhhh..Hard by Rhinna. You can take stuff from my playlist if you would like(:
BTW I LOVE THE BANNER(: And thanks for calling my banners awesome, you inspire me even though your a few months younger than me.(: Haha.
xx Taylor

AmberFun344 said...

Lol yeah ;) but hey! We are at least close to each others age! Aww u know what? You are oldest (june 2) trixie is the middle oldest (august 4th) i am youngest!! (October 10) That is so weird! i mean i am also youngest of all my bros and sis lol

Anonymous said...

Haha(: Younger ones tend to rock!(: