Sunday, June 27, 2010


Hello Everyone(:
Amber Here.
I think it's about time we had have our first comp.
The comp is about inviting people to the blog. (:
I only see probably 1 person commenting and the other comments are the writers.
Please comment in the chatbox who invited you. I will also be looking out for cheaters.
The prize is 200 dollars worth of gifts if you are nonsuperstar

and 200 dollars from bazaar if you are superstar. (:
It ends on July 6th.
P.S. Sorry, I couldn't find my banner in my computer D:


Anonymous said...

I would help, but I'm a writer.
I'll still invite friends to the blog(:

Anonymous said...

thanks Taylor(:
The writers can actually join if they like. It's not like there is anybody who reads this blog O:
-me, amber

azusafresh said...

Emiiliee_babybii sed she saw yhur topic so she invited me!

Mel said...

Hey, its mel (Mindfreaky) amber told me about the comp, and i would love to enter :D (i'm a SS)