Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Its Amber.

Hi, Its Amber here. Hope you dont mind that im using my old banner. I dont want to waste what little time I have to make one. I might delete Stardoll-Sorority. Why? Because, I am getting into the magazine business and I'm not sure if I can keep up with this. Blogging just doesnt suit me anymore. Nope! But I got time yet. Please in the chatbox WRITE YOUR ACTUAL NAME! OR UR USER ON STARDOLL. Because I'll think your a stranger. And if I find out some stranger that DOES NOT go on stardoll is on the chatbox, ITS GONE. Forever! I am so sick of this! I DONT EVEN KNOW HAVE THE FANS ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE. We only have two writers, Taylor and Lira. [And me, sometimes.] And sometimes We [Mostly I] Feel like im talking to a wall! Or worse! Myself! Nobody views this blog, NOBODY. Well except our friend Trixie2510 that visits every once and while. If you think im missing someone that ahem, I DO KNOW then tell me. If not, then just dont talk. I guess. My mom is away and I think im getting cranky because I miss her so much. Dont comment saying "LUCKY I HATE MY MOM" Or else I will really get mad! U DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT MOMS GO THROUGH! FOR YOU! [some of you..] I am sick of being a 11 year old. I think thats why nobody comes here. Because we're KIDS! They think we have no LIFE. Well I'll tell you one thing, I have more life than life there is! So those who make fun of little kids out there, shut up. Now. You were a little kid once so dont even start! I bet your thinking "Oh this is some crackhead baby right here." [Sorry if that word is offensive.] BUT You do not know me! So dont judge. Quit Hatin' and find something better to do. I AM NOT REFERING THIS TO TAYLOR NOR LIRA BY THE WAY. JUST SOMEONE OUT THERE, WHO IS REALLY TICKING ME OFF.

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