Friday, July 9, 2010


We've finally gotten the makeover we've ALL been waiting for.
Some are very disappointed and won't stop complaining about how stupid stardoll is and how they want the old SD back. We have news for them;

You have to accept the changes stardoll makes, you're all so fed up in the old stardoll that you can't accept anything new. Which is sad. Open your eyes and realize what has happened, Something good happened in the change and Stardoll is actually better. Look at the amazing chat! It reminds me of Facebook chat.



Anonymous said...

Taylor, I agree that they complain too much but that is just their opinion. It's not going to stop them. :/

0xbritzx0 said...

So true. :]
I'm still getting used to it xD I'm not too sure where everything is o.O

Anonymous said...

Amber- I know it's their opinion but they need to stop complaining. They are just wasting time cuz Stardoll won't listen.

0xBritzx0- If you need any help finding something, just write me in my GB or add me and we can mail eachother(:

0xbritzx0 said...

Okay (:
It doesn't feel like Stardoll on there :O

Anonymous said...

Haha, You just have to get used to it. It still feels like the same site I'm an addict of. :P